Technology Happens has a highly experienced, highly trained, dedicated staff of technology professionals who are available to support credit unions when and where they are needed most.  For those times when time is short and resources are already working at capacity, to times when a fresh set of eyes and a new perspective is needed to help the organization move to the next level, our team offers a proven track record of delivering results.  Mergers or re-conversions are time sensitive and require focus to get it right.  Process improvement, change management, and engaging in new and different ways often require a diversity and depth of experience to assess and propose new alternatives to drive different results.  These situations are just where Technology Happens Professional Services are able to offer the extra catalyst and augment the current resources to get the job done.  No project is too big or too small.  We're here to help.  Contact us today!


Merger & Re-Conversion Services

Technology Happens has significant experience partnering with clients to provide services to effectively manage the complex tasks related to mergers and re-conversions (Symitar to Symitar conversions to improve legacy data accuracy and system efficiency).  From the initial collaboration to define the scope of the merger, to the development of a detailed project plan, to the execution of the complex tasks to deliver a successful merger, we have the resources and commitment needed to optimize the cost-effectiveness of this often difficult growth opportunity for credit unions.


Business Process Efficiency Services

Technology Happens applies its vast credit union, Episys, process improvement, and technology experience to discover opportunities for credit unions to move from today’s business processes to those that offer greater performance.  From improved member service, to reduced operations costs, Efficiency Studies are a great way to step to the next level.


Executive Consulting Services

Technology Happens is keenly aware that leadership, technology, and change management are critical elements to sustained high performance and success.  Our executive team partners with credit unions to offer the opportunity to gain a fresh perspective.  We engage and provide an often needed “catalyst” to an organization that is striving to capitalize on the strengths of an organization to explore and implement intentional change that will drive extraordinary results.